What you'll find in this directory:

bootinst.exe		Install a boot manager.  Uses the boot.bin image.

ckdist.exe		Check the integrity of a distribution you've xferred.

fdimage.exe		Write disk images to floppy disk (supercedes rawrite).

fips.exe		Break FAT16 partitions into smaller pieces.

gunzip.exe		Unzip stuff.

ide_conf.exe		Display IDE configuration parameters, like geometry.

osbs135.exe		Version 1.35 and 2.0BETA of the OS-BS boot manager
osbsbeta.exe		(an alternative boot manager to BOOTEASY).

presizer.exe		Break FAT16/FAT32 partitions into smaller pieces.

rawrite.exe		Older utility for writing disk images (use fdimage).

restorrb.exe		Restore a boot block spammed by bootinst or OSBS.